If you determine what it might take to get your employees to commute by bicycle, install the necessary facilities, distribute information on bicycle commuting, sponsor incentive programs and stage promotional events, then you will have gotten your bicycle commute program off to a great start.

However, your work is not quite finished. How will you maintain employee interest in bicycle commuting? How will you monitor progress? Here are a few final suggestions:

- Publish program updates on a regular basis in company publications.
- Continue to meet with your Bicycle Action Committee on a regular basis.
- Stay in contact with new bicycle commuters. A published interview or commuter profile could be an interesting way to draw attention to the program.

Conduct a follow-up survey at the conclusion of the bicycling season (fall) to measure the success of the program and obtain feedback for improvement.

Share your successes! We want to know what works for your company or organization. Send your good ideas and success stories to saba@sacbike.org.


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