Complete Streets

Complete Streets are streets designed for everyone; they provide safe access for all users, regardless of age, ability, and mode of transportation.
A cyclist rides down a street in a bike lane.
Complete Streets, Charlotte, NC
At SABA, we believe that streets should be safe for all of us to use, even our most vulnerable populations. Complete Streets are a part of our values.

Elements of Complete Streets

While the exact layout of a Complete Street will vary depending on local needs, Complete Street elements can include the following: highly visible crosswalks; transit stops designed for comfort and accessibility; pedestrian and bike signals; median islands; sidewalks; bicycle lanes; street trees; and water-filtering bioswales. 

Pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and public transportation users of all abilities should be able to safely move along and across any Complete Street. 

In 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Complete Streets Bill, SB 960, authored by Senator Scott Wiener and sponsored by CalBike, SPUR, AARP California, and others.

The Complete Streets Bill requires Caltrans to consider the needs of people riding bikes, walking, and taking transit on our state roadways.

How Complete Streets are Built

Need content for this: how complete streets can make changes to the infrastructure, traffic calming. Maybe we also include, the time and energy it takes to get a complete street project into creation (from idea to wrapping up construction), and segue to quickbuild projects as a way to quickly change the streetscape while working on the permanent fix.

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