Advocacy Toolkit

6 tips to help you advocate for bikes in Sacramento

Stay Informed

  1. Follow or subscribe to groups that will loop you in when important issues arise
  2. Routinely scan your city council meeting agendas for topics of interest

Show up to city council (or other important) meetings!

  1. Meeting times and agendas are listed your city's website.

(Photo: Pierson Rohr from SABA at a council meeting to present a May is Bike Month proclamation. Credit: City of West Sacramento)

Six people pose in city council chambers, one man is holding a bike in front of him.

What to Say

  1. Your name
  2. Where you live (or who represents your area on that government body)
  3. State the issue and impact it’s having on you/your community
  4. Any relevant affiliations that inform your perspective
    1. Do you have background on the topic?
    2. Are you representing an organization?
  5. Ask how your officials plan to address it

Keep it Short & Sweet

  1. Practice your talk
  2. Time your talk to fit inside the allotted timeframe (usually 2 minutes, but it varies)

You are Stronger in Numbers

  1. Connect and link up with like-minded people/organizations
  2. Show up in numbers when you can
  3. When you can’t show up, email your comments

(Photo: Manchester City Council. Credit: MCC/Flickr)

A large crowd photographed from above.

Report a Hazard

  • Bike Lane Uprising: making it easy to report bike lane obstructions with a mobile app.
  • How, when, and to whom to report a hazard (includes list of city street departments. 

Other Organizations Doing Advocacy Around Cycling

  1. CalBike: California’s statewide bicycle advocacy coalition, uniting local, statewide, and national partners to work for better biking.
  2. Strong SacTown: a community group focused on enriching and improving the livability of Sacramento, CA for all neighbors.
  3. Slow Down Sacramento: an advocacy organization committed to promoting safer streets NOW.


Blue Sky social

Ride on!

Support SABA to make the Sacramento area a safe, convenient, and enjoyable place to get around by bike.

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