Here are 5 tips to help you advocate for bikes in Sacramento
1. Stay informed
Follow or subscribe to groups that will loop you in when important issues arise
Routinely scan your city council meeting agendas for topics of interest
2. Show up to city council (or other important) meetings!
3. What to say
Your name
Where you live (or who reps your area on that gov’t body)
Any relevant affiliations that inform your perspective (do you have background on the topic?)
State the issue and impact it’s having on you/your community
Ask how your officials plan to address it
4. Keep it short and sweet
Practice your talk
Time your talk to fit inside the allotted timeframe (usually 2 minutes, but it varies)
5. You’re stronger in numbers
connect and link up with like-minded people/organizations
show up in numbers when you can
When you can’t show up, email your comments
Partners to look into:
SABA (of course!)
Strong SacTown
Slow Down Sacramento